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3 DAY ~ 4 SESSION AUCTION: MARCH 21-22-23 ~ 2025
FRIDAY Eve: COIN & CURRENCY Collection incl Can 1948 Certified Dollar!
SUNDAY : PETROLIANA : Oil Can Lifetime Collection & Antiques!
SUNDAY Aft: COIN & CURRENCY Continued ... incl Kilo Coin!
*Auction is NOT Timed*
NOTE: Buyers Premium per item will be applied to all purchases for All Sessions
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Canada One Cent Collection : Binder Lot : 1937 - 2010 (See Pictures for Types/Years/Varieties)  (SEE145 - Canada One Cent Collection : Binder Lot : 1937 - 2010 (See Pictures for Types/Years/Varieties) (SEE
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Canada One Cent Collection : Binder Lot : 1937 - 2010 (See Pictures for Types/Years/Varieties) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE...
Current Bid: 10.00
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RCM 2013 $3 Fine Silver Coin : Bee Hive (COA 99.99%) (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a GUID146 - RCM 2013 $3 Fine Silver Coin : Bee Hive (COA 99.99%) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUID
Scribner Auction Ltd.
RCM 2013 $3 Fine Silver Coin : Bee Hive (COA 99.99%) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, errors, a...
Current Bid: 55.00
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RCM 2014 $3 Fine Silver Coin : Spider & Web (COA 99.99%) (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a 147 - RCM 2014 $3 Fine Silver Coin : Spider & Web (COA 99.99%) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a
Scribner Auction Ltd.
RCM 2014 $3 Fine Silver Coin : Spider & Web (COA 99.99%) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, e...
Current Bid: 55.00
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RCM 2014 $3 Fine Silver Coin : Animal Architects : Caterpillar and Chrysalis (COA 99.99%) (SEE PICS!148 - RCM 2014 $3 Fine Silver Coin : Animal Architects : Caterpillar and Chrysalis (COA 99.99%) (SEE PICS!
Scribner Auction Ltd.
RCM 2014 $3 Fine Silver Coin : Animal Architects : Caterpillar and Chrysalis (COA 99.99%) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY ...
Current Bid: 60.00
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Newfoundland Fifty Cent 1896 (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject t149 - Newfoundland Fifty Cent 1896 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject t
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Newfoundland Fifty Cent 1896 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, errors, additions or deletions. P...
Current Bid: 25.00
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Newfoundland Fifty Cent 1900 (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject t150 - Newfoundland Fifty Cent 1900 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject t
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Newfoundland Fifty Cent 1900 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, errors, additions or deletions. P...
Current Bid: 20.00
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Newfoundland Fifty Cent 1907 (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject t151 - Newfoundland Fifty Cent 1907 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject t
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Newfoundland Fifty Cent 1907 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, errors, additions or deletions. P...
Current Bid: 22.50
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Newfoundland Fifty Cent 1909 (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject t152 - Newfoundland Fifty Cent 1909 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject t
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Newfoundland Fifty Cent 1909 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, errors, additions or deletions. P...
Current Bid: 20.00
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Newfoundland Fifty Cent 1918C (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject 153 - Newfoundland Fifty Cent 1918C (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Newfoundland Fifty Cent 1918C (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, errors, additions or deletions. ...
Current Bid: 20.00
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USA Serie 2 Commemorative Collection 25¢ : 5-Coin Set Massachusetts : Maryland : South Carolina : Ne154 - USA Serie 2 Commemorative Collection 25¢ : 5-Coin Set Massachusetts : Maryland : South Carolina : Ne
Scribner Auction Ltd.
USA Serie 2 Commemorative Collection 25¢ : 5-Coin Set Massachusetts : Maryland : South Carolina : New Hampshire : Virginia (SEE PICS!) (Listin...
Current Bid: 5.00
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USA One Cent Collection in Uni-Safe Portfolio (35 Coins)  (Intermittent 1910's to 1950's) (See Pictu155 - USA One Cent Collection in Uni-Safe Portfolio (35 Coins) (Intermittent 1910's to 1950's) (See Pictu
Scribner Auction Ltd.
USA One Cent Collection in Uni-Safe Portfolio (35 Coins) (Intermittent 1910's to 1950's) (See Pictures for Types/Years/Varieties) (SEE PIC...
Current Bid: 20.00
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USA Lincoln Cent Collection in Harco Portfolio (99 Coins)  (Intermittent 1962 - 2014) (See Pictures 156 - USA Lincoln Cent Collection in Harco Portfolio (99 Coins) (Intermittent 1962 - 2014) (See Pictures
Scribner Auction Ltd.
USA Lincoln Cent Collection in Harco Portfolio (99 Coins) (Intermittent 1962 - 2014) (See Pictures for Types/Years/Varieties) (SEE PICS!) (Listing
Current Bid: 15.00
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Foreign Bills (6): Libya (3); Saudi Arabia; Egypt; Qatar (See Pics for Varieties, Conditions, Serial157 - Foreign Bills (6): Libya (3); Saudi Arabia; Egypt; Qatar (See Pics for Varieties, Conditions, Serial
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Foreign Bills (6): Libya (3); Saudi Arabia; Egypt; Qatar (See Pics for Varieties, Conditions, Serial Numbers, Printing Dates & Signatures) (Lis...
Current Bid: 5.00
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Foreign Bills (9): Australia; Jamaica; Trinidad & Tobago; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; Mexico (Se158 - Foreign Bills (9): Australia; Jamaica; Trinidad & Tobago; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; Mexico (Se
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Foreign Bills (9): Australia; Jamaica; Trinidad & Tobago; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; Mexico (See Pics for Varieties, Conditions, Serial Num...
Current Bid: 7.50
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Germany Reichsbanknote (2):  - 500 Mark : 1922 - 100 Mark : 1920 (See Pics for Varieties, Conditions159 - Germany Reichsbanknote (2): - 500 Mark : 1922 - 100 Mark : 1920 (See Pics for Varieties, Conditions
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Germany Reichsbanknote (2): - 500 Mark : 1922 - 100 Mark : 1920 (See Pics for Varieties, Conditions, Serial Numbers, Printing Dates & Signature...
Current Bid: 5.00
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Foreign Bills (15): Russia; Bulgaria; Singapore; Hong Kong; Indonesia (See Pics for Varieties, Condi160 - Foreign Bills (15): Russia; Bulgaria; Singapore; Hong Kong; Indonesia (See Pics for Varieties, Condi
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Foreign Bills (15): Russia; Bulgaria; Singapore; Hong Kong; Indonesia (See Pics for Varieties, Conditions, Serial Numbers, Printing Dates & Sign...
Current Bid: 27.50
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Tokens (3): - Norway Royal Mint Kongsberg 1999 - Royal Canadian Mint 100yrs 1908-2008 - Royal Canadi161 - Tokens (3): - Norway Royal Mint Kongsberg 1999 - Royal Canadian Mint 100yrs 1908-2008 - Royal Canadi
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Tokens (3): - Norway Royal Mint Kongsberg 1999 - Royal Canadian Mint 100yrs 1908-2008 - Royal Canadian Mint "327" Token (SEE PICS!) (List...
Current Bid: 5.00
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United Kingdom 1951 : 5 Shillings : George VI (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY 162 - United Kingdom 1951 : 5 Shillings : George VI (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY
Scribner Auction Ltd.
United Kingdom 1951 : 5 Shillings : George VI (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, errors, addition...
Current Bid: 7.50
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Venezuela 1 Bolivar 1965 (.835 Silver) (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are163 - Venezuela 1 Bolivar 1965 (.835 Silver) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Venezuela 1 Bolivar 1965 (.835 Silver) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, errors, additions or de...
Current Bid: 12.50
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United Kingdom 1930 : 1 Florin : George V (.500 Silver) (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a G164 - United Kingdom 1930 : 1 Florin : George V (.500 Silver) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a G
Scribner Auction Ltd.
United Kingdom 1930 : 1 Florin : George V (.500 Silver) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, errors...
Current Bid: 7.50
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South Africa 1932 : 2-1/2 Shillings : George V (.800 Silver) (Note: Hole) (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & De165 - South Africa 1932 : 2-1/2 Shillings : George V (.800 Silver) (Note: Hole) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & De
Scribner Auction Ltd.
South Africa 1932 : 2-1/2 Shillings : George V (.800 Silver) (Note: Hole) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject ...
Current Bid: 22.50
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Austria 1972 : 10 Schilling (.640 Silver) (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and 166 - Austria 1972 : 10 Schilling (.640 Silver) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Austria 1972 : 10 Schilling (.640 Silver) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, errors, additions or...
Current Bid: 10.00
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Trade Tokens (2): - 1922 Seattle Washington A.B.Galloway Chairman Monte Carlo 5 Bucks - Good for 5¢ 167 - Trade Tokens (2): - 1922 Seattle Washington A.B.Galloway Chairman Monte Carlo 5 Bucks - Good for 5¢
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Trade Tokens (2): - 1922 Seattle Washington A.B.Galloway Chairman Monte Carlo 5 Bucks - Good for 5¢ in Trade : Wilhelm Bros : Virginia, Minn. (...
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Trade Tokens (3): - 1966 Israel : Telephone Token : Asimon - PGA Partner Club Member  - Champlain Br168 - Trade Tokens (3): - 1966 Israel : Telephone Token : Asimon - PGA Partner Club Member - Champlain Br
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Trade Tokens (3): - 1966 Israel : Telephone Token : Asimon - PGA Partner Club Member - Champlain Bridge : National Harbours Board (SEE PICS!) (List
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Trade Tokens (3): - Canada : War Time Meat Ration - Good for 1 Pint Milk Kesaston, Sask - Good for $169 - Trade Tokens (3): - Canada : War Time Meat Ration - Good for 1 Pint Milk Kesaston, Sask - Good for $
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Trade Tokens (3): - Canada : War Time Meat Ration - Good for 1 Pint Milk Kesaston, Sask - Good for $2 in Trade : Horwood Lumber, Newfoundland (SEE PIC
Current Bid: 10.00
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Transit Tokens (4): - Dyrehavsbaken (Danish Transit Token) - Toronto Transit Tokens (2) - New York C170 - Transit Tokens (4): - Dyrehavsbaken (Danish Transit Token) - Toronto Transit Tokens (2) - New York C
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Transit Tokens (4): - Dyrehavsbaken (Danish Transit Token) - Toronto Transit Tokens (2) - New York City Transit Authority (SEE PICS!) (Listing &...
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Germany Coins (4): - 10 Pfennigs 1889 : Wilhelm I : Type 1 : Large Shield - 10 Pfennigs 1915 : Wilhe171 - Germany Coins (4): - 10 Pfennigs 1889 : Wilhelm I : Type 1 : Large Shield - 10 Pfennigs 1915 : Wilhe
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Germany Coins (4): - 10 Pfennigs 1889 : Wilhelm I : Type 1 : Large Shield - 10 Pfennigs 1915 : Wilhelm II : Type 2 : Small Shield - 5 Pfennigs 1916 :
Current Bid: 5.00
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United Kingdom (2) Churchill : Commemorative Coins : 1 Crown : Elizabeth II (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & 172 - United Kingdom (2) Churchill : Commemorative Coins : 1 Crown : Elizabeth II (SEE PICS!) (Listing &
Scribner Auction Ltd.
United Kingdom (2) Churchill : Commemorative Coins : 1 Crown : Elizabeth II (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subjec...
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United Kingdom / Australia (3) : - One Penny 1913 : Britain - One Penny 1920 : Britain - One Penny 1173 - United Kingdom / Australia (3) : - One Penny 1913 : Britain - One Penny 1920 : Britain - One Penny 1
Scribner Auction Ltd.
United Kingdom / Australia (3) : - One Penny 1913 : Britain - One Penny 1920 : Britain - One Penny 1919 : Commonwealth of Australia (SEE PICS!) (List
Current Bid: 5.00
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Netherlands (4): - 1938 Ten Cent : Wilhelmina (.640 Silver) - 1941 Ten Cent : Wilhelmina (.640 Silve174 - Netherlands (4): - 1938 Ten Cent : Wilhelmina (.640 Silver) - 1941 Ten Cent : Wilhelmina (.640 Silve
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Netherlands (4): - 1938 Ten Cent : Wilhelmina (.640 Silver) - 1941 Ten Cent : Wilhelmina (.640 Silver) - 1941 2-1/2 Cent : Wilhelmina - 1886 2-1/2 Cen
Current Bid: 7.50
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United Kingdom Penny (4): 1913; 1919; 1920; 1921 (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ON175 - United Kingdom Penny (4): 1913; 1919; 1920; 1921 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ON
Scribner Auction Ltd.
United Kingdom Penny (4): 1913; 1919; 1920; 1921 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, errors, addit...
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Foreign Coins (4): - 1960 Mexico : 1 Peso "Tepalcate" (.100 Silver) - 1905 Mexico : 1 Centavo - 1960176 - Foreign Coins (4): - 1960 Mexico : 1 Peso "Tepalcate" (.100 Silver) - 1905 Mexico : 1 Centavo - 1960
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Foreign Coins (4): - 1960 Mexico : 1 Peso "Tepalcate" (.100 Silver) - 1905 Mexico : 1 Centavo - 1960 Venezuela : 25 Centimos - 1969 Cuba :...
Current Bid: 5.00
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Foreign Bills (9): Spain; Italy; Netherlands; Hungary; Belgium (See Pics for Varieties, Conditions, 177 - Foreign Bills (9): Spain; Italy; Netherlands; Hungary; Belgium (See Pics for Varieties, Conditions,
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Foreign Bills (9): Spain; Italy; Netherlands; Hungary; Belgium (See Pics for Varieties, Conditions, Serial Numbers, Printing Dates & Signatures)...
Current Bid: 15.00
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Germany Reichsbanknote (3):  - 1000 Mark : 1910 (Red Seal) - 1000 Mark : 1922  - 50,000 Mark : 1922 178 - Germany Reichsbanknote (3): - 1000 Mark : 1910 (Red Seal) - 1000 Mark : 1922 - 50,000 Mark : 1922
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Germany Reichsbanknote (3): - 1000 Mark : 1910 (Red Seal) - 1000 Mark : 1922 - 50,000 Mark : 1922 (See Pics for Varieties, Conditions, Serial Number
Current Bid: 5.00
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Foreign Bills (2):  - Germany Reichsbanknote : 20 Mark : 1910 - United Kingdom : 1 Pound : British M179 - Foreign Bills (2): - Germany Reichsbanknote : 20 Mark : 1910 - United Kingdom : 1 Pound : British M
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Foreign Bills (2): - Germany Reichsbanknote : 20 Mark : 1910 - United Kingdom : 1 Pound : British Military Authority (1942-1947) (Note: the 1 Pound h
Current Bid: 5.00
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Germany Reichsbanknote (3):  - 5000 Mark : 1922 - 20,000 Mark : 1923  - 1000 Mark : 1922 (See Pics f180 - Germany Reichsbanknote (3): - 5000 Mark : 1922 - 20,000 Mark : 1923 - 1000 Mark : 1922 (See Pics f
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Germany Reichsbanknote (3): - 5000 Mark : 1922 - 20,000 Mark : 1923 - 1000 Mark : 1922 (See Pics for Varieties, Conditions, Serial Numbers, Printing
Current Bid: 5.00
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Foreign Coins (4): - 1904 Philippines : 1/2 Centavo - 1917 France : 5 Centimes - 1929 Egypt : 2 Qirs181 - Foreign Coins (4): - 1904 Philippines : 1/2 Centavo - 1917 France : 5 Centimes - 1929 Egypt : 2 Qirs
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Foreign Coins (4): - 1904 Philippines : 1/2 Centavo - 1917 France : 5 Centimes - 1929 Egypt : 2 Qirsh : Fuad - 1945 East Indies : 1 Cent (Indonesia :
Current Bid: 5.00
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Australia (6): - 1911 Half Penny - 1912 Half Penny - 1928 Half Penny - 1955 Penny - 1956 Penny - 195182 - Australia (6): - 1911 Half Penny - 1912 Half Penny - 1928 Half Penny - 1955 Penny - 1956 Penny - 195
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Australia (6): - 1911 Half Penny - 1912 Half Penny - 1928 Half Penny - 1955 Penny - 1956 Penny - 1957 Penny (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions...
Current Bid: 5.00
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Commemorative Tokens/Medals (3): - 1968 Calgary/Husky Tower (Copper) - 1968 Calgary/Husky Tower (Bro183 - Commemorative Tokens/Medals (3): - 1968 Calgary/Husky Tower (Copper) - 1968 Calgary/Husky Tower (Bro
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Commemorative Tokens/Medals (3): - 1968 Calgary/Husky Tower (Copper) - 1968 Calgary/Husky Tower (Bronze) - 1967 "Indian Friendship" Centen...
Current Bid: 5.00
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Royal / Monarch Commemorative (3): - 1820~1830 George IV Inauguration Medal (Bust High Relief) - 195184 - Royal / Monarch Commemorative (3): - 1820~1830 George IV Inauguration Medal (Bust High Relief) - 195
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Royal / Monarch Commemorative (3): - 1820~1830 George IV Inauguration Medal (Bust High Relief) - 1953 Queen Elizabeth II Coronation - 1981 HRH Prince
Current Bid: 5.00
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Kingdom of the Two Sicilies 1855 : 120 Grana : Ferdinando II (.833 Silver) (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & D185 - Kingdom of the Two Sicilies 1855 : 120 Grana : Ferdinando II (.833 Silver) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & D
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies 1855 : 120 Grana : Ferdinando II (.833 Silver) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject...
Current Bid: 37.50
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RCM 1985 Double Dollar Proof Set : National Parks 1885-1985 (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are186 - RCM 1985 Double Dollar Proof Set : National Parks 1885-1985 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are
Scribner Auction Ltd.
RCM 1985 Double Dollar Proof Set : National Parks 1885-1985 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, er...
Current Bid: 20.00
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RCM 1986 Double Dollar Proof Set : Vancouver 1886-1986 (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a GU187 - RCM 1986 Double Dollar Proof Set : Vancouver 1886-1986 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GU
Scribner Auction Ltd.
RCM 1986 Double Dollar Proof Set : Vancouver 1886-1986 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, errors,...
Current Bid: 20.00
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RCM 1987 Double Dollar Proof Set : Detroit de Davis Strait 1587-1987 (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descrip188 - RCM 1987 Double Dollar Proof Set : Detroit de Davis Strait 1587-1987 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descrip
Scribner Auction Ltd.
RCM 1987 Double Dollar Proof Set : Detroit de Davis Strait 1587-1987 (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to ch...
Current Bid: 20.00
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RCM 1988 Double Dollar Proof Set : Les Forges Du Saint-Maurice Ironworks (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Des189 - RCM 1988 Double Dollar Proof Set : Les Forges Du Saint-Maurice Ironworks (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Des
Scribner Auction Ltd.
RCM 1988 Double Dollar Proof Set : Les Forges Du Saint-Maurice Ironworks (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject t...
Current Bid: 22.50
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RCM 1989 Double Dollar Proof Set : Fleuve Mackenzie River (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a190 - RCM 1989 Double Dollar Proof Set : Fleuve Mackenzie River (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a
Scribner Auction Ltd.
RCM 1989 Double Dollar Proof Set : Fleuve Mackenzie River (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, erro...
Current Bid: 17.50
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RCM 1990 Double Dollar Proof Set : 1690-1990 Kelsey (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE191 - RCM 1990 Double Dollar Proof Set : 1690-1990 Kelsey (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE
Scribner Auction Ltd.
RCM 1990 Double Dollar Proof Set : 1690-1990 Kelsey (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, errors, ad...
Current Bid: 17.50
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RCM 1991 Double Dollar Proof Set : 1816-1991 Frontenac (SEE PICS!)  (Listing & Descriptions are a GU192 - RCM 1991 Double Dollar Proof Set : 1816-1991 Frontenac (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GU
Scribner Auction Ltd.
RCM 1991 Double Dollar Proof Set : 1816-1991 Frontenac (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are a GUIDE ONLY and are subject to changes, errors,...
Current Bid: 47.50
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Canada Bills (4): - $2 Bill 1986 : Thiessen/Crow #CBA0208006 - $2 Bill 1986 : Thiessen/Crow #EGM7383193 - Canada Bills (4): - $2 Bill 1986 : Thiessen/Crow #CBA0208006 - $2 Bill 1986 : Thiessen/Crow #EGM7383
Scribner Auction Ltd.
Canada Bills (4): - $2 Bill 1986 : Thiessen/Crow #CBA0208006 - $2 Bill 1986 : Thiessen/Crow #EGM7383586 - $5 Bill 1986 : Bonin/Thiessen #GOI9715619 -
Current Bid: 27.50
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RCM 2013 $5 Fine Silver Coin : Contemporary Aboriginal Art : Mother and Baby Ice Fishing (COA: 99.99194 - RCM 2013 $5 Fine Silver Coin : Contemporary Aboriginal Art : Mother and Baby Ice Fishing (COA: 99.99
Scribner Auction Ltd.
RCM 2013 $5 Fine Silver Coin : Contemporary Aboriginal Art : Mother and Baby Ice Fishing (COA: 99.99%) (SEE PICS!) (Listing & Descriptions are ...
Current Bid: 60.00
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